Saturday 2 April 2016

April 1st

Went over the Root words 6. Test mid-April.

Went over essay:



  1.  The use of irony.
  2. The theme.
  3. Bradbury's style.
  4. The book as an allegory. 

Martian Chronicles and American colonization-

  1. Earthmen travel to Mars.
  2. Martians fight with and kill Earthmen. 
  3. Martians most likely killed by chicken pox.
  4. Earthmen colonize Mars, making like Earth in style, government, and ect....
  5. Ben Driscoll on Mars plants trees. 
  6. African-American leave Earth for Mars to avoid stigmatization. 
  7. War breaks out on Earth, and many living on Mars return to fight/help.
  8. Residents of Mars now more martian than Earth men. 

Am. colonization:
  1. European travel to America.
  2. Natives attack Europeans.
  3. Many Natives killed by small pox.
  4. European colonize America and make it like Europe.
  5. Johnny Appleseed travels to America planting apple trees.
  6. Puritans leave Europe for America to avoid stigmatization.
  7. War breaks out in Europe, and many return to Europe to fight (WWI, and II).
  8. Residents of America are ow more American than European.
Theme:  Humans may cause themselves more harm than good. 

Essay structure notes. 

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