Make sure to finish ALL term two work before mid-April, will not be accepted after.
Do all of term 3 assignments! Such as:
- Ballad of the black fox pelt.
- Root Quiz 5.
- David questions.
- Parts of Speech sheet.
Got Root Quiz 6 words today.
Parts of Speech test will be next week: April 6th!!
Parts of Speech tutorial after school tomorrow in Hanlon's class!
Went over the rest of the Footloose article.
Coma and Conjunction: When joining two complete thoughts, use a comma AND a conjunction.
EG: The dog laughed, but the cat cried.
Semi-Colon: Use where you would use a period IF the two"sentences" on either side are closely related.
EG: I like pizza; I do not like anchovies.
Subordinate Clause: If one part of the sentence starts with ALTHOUGH, WHILE, BEFORE, AFTER, DURING, SINCE, BECAUSE, DESPITE, and WHEN...ect... then it could be joined to a complete thought with a comma.
EG: Although philology is my favorite subject, I also like philosophy.